2021-03-22, updated: 2021-07-22

Tags: release.

Nyxt 2 Pre-release 6

Nyxt 2 Pre-release 6

We are happy to announce the sixth pre-release of Nyxt version 2.0.0. If you missed the previous pre-release announcement, see here.

Nyxt 2 is a massive overhaul of the Nyxt 1 series. A lot of effort has been geared towards improving the code quality under the hood which should reflect on the overall user experience with better performance, increased stability and better accessibility.

This is a test release for everyone to try out before the final release. It contains experimental features and some parts are still unfinished. Please feel free to share your feedback on our GitHub issue tracker!

Notable highlights:

For the complete change list, please consult the CHANGELOG.org file.

We hope you enjoy these new features, and that they help make you more productive. Thanks for reading :-)


The new prompt buffer in action (setting the URL from multiple sources):

The new prompt buffer being used for jump to heading (jumping across several pages):

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