2023-09-16, updated: 2024-03-12

Tags: lisp, engineering.

NJSON—One JSON Library to Rule Them All

NJSON—One JSON Library to Rule Them All

Artyom Bologov

Working on Nyxt often means interacting with the Internet in ways no other Lisp project ever has. As a natural consequence of this, we've accumulated a set of libraries covering unexplored areas of Lisp use. One of these libraries is NJSON, a JSON handling framework that focuses on interactive exploration of huge JSON objects (as are often returned by APIs on the Web).

A typical illustration of working with JSON. La Carte de l'Enfer - Sandro Botticelli, 1480 - 1490

Most JSON-related libraries in Lisp are parsers. Though sometimes there are standalone libraries supporting JSON-adjacent standards like JSON Pointer or JSON Schema. Yet, despite a sea of libraries, there seems to be no library that optimizes a typical JSON workflow—getting through multiple layers of data, destructuring and validating objects, and type-checking parsed objects.

NJSON is such a library that optimizes exactly those things. It abstracts over JSON parsers and makes the data they return predictable and useful. Based on this abstraction, NJSON adds operations to explore data through multiple layers of objects and arrays; validate, destructure, and match the given JSON against an expected structure; and to use the found data with Lispy macros like jif and jbind aware of JSON specificities and conventions.

JSON Exploration

One of the JSON APIs that actually need an involved library like NJSON is the Reddit one. Reddit allows to append .json to almost every posts/comment/subreddit to get raw data about these as a huge JSON string. Parsing this JSON is only half the trouble—it's too deeply nested and noisy to effectively process the output of the parser, however good it might be.

NJSON allows you to peel the layers off the Reddit data and explore it incrementally. jget allows you to index the deeply nested objects (when you provide it with a sequence of keys), while jkeys allows getting all the keys there are in the object.

Using the Nyxt 3.7.0 release post (as the most recent one in Nyxt subreddit) as an example, here's how one might explore the post properties:

Getting the title of the post is a matter of a short jget call:

Or even shorter call using JSON Pointer syntax:

Destructuring the Document

Now that the structure of the document is more or less clear and we've got to the real post metadata, we can extract more information. No need to use lots of jget calls for that—there's jbind- a JSON-aware destructuring macro in NJSON. The destructuring syntax is simple:

So, if we need to extract useful data from the Reddit post above, we can destructure it like this:

That's where jbind shines: it can bind many variables (at several levels of nesting!), allowing easy re-use of structure instead of repetitive jget-s.

jbind also validates the data it destructures. So if there's a wrong value in the object or the structure is different from the expected one, you'll see an error explaining what's wrong. Let's look at moderation messages of the post:

Ooooops! There are no moderation reports. Which is good for a post on Reddit, but breaks our expectations. The data is probably malformed, so we should adjust the expectations or clean up the data.

And then, if we expect a certain literal value (like null or 5), we can compare it right inside the destructuring pattern:

Something's Wrong

jbind throws errors on data mismatch, and the underlying jget is extremely cautious about the data it gets. If you try to index an array with a string key, or if you try to index something that isn't an array or object, jget will notify you of that:

You've already seen the value-mismatch and no-key errors from jbind, and the usefulness these bring.

NJSON is optimized for interactive JSON inspection, that's why all of these errors have custom restarts, allowing you to debug and fix—replace the key, ignore the value, or simply abort the operation—the mismatches interactively. Looking through the JSON (with jget) helps to understand the structure which can then be destructured, validated, and used (via jbind) in the compiled code.

Give NJSON a Try!

If you work with JSON and often encounter the daunting size of some datasets, you can try using NJSON and make your interaction with JSON APIs more comfortable.

You can load NJSON from Github, Quicklisp, or Guix.

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